
Installation at Flemington DIY

Lovely Clouds
Processing being an artist.
ALBUM COVER: photograph of clouds by jAM
QR CODE: cyanotype by jAM
CANVAS: video clips of QR code process by jAM

Sleep Just to Dream
Processing life's purpose. Each day feels like a lifetime, and when you die your whole life is like a day.
LYRICS: by Mark Natale 
ALBUM COVER: photograph of factory sunrise in Hawaii
QR CODE: collage using real estate page from May 1940’s Philadelphia newspaper, children’s handwriting practice book, photographs from Iceland landscape from honeymoon, doodles of traced work ID card from training notes, 1983 Bell Laboratories Computer advertisement, Prayer Card from Frank Natale with Prayer of St. Francis and Om symbol, sample paint chip from child’s room by jAM
CANVAS: video clips of QR code process by jAM 
Processing death of a parent as a parent.
LYRICS : by Mark Natale 
ALBUM COVER: edited photograph of beach with light reflecting on water and blue overlay by jAM
QR CODE : watercolor by jAM
CANVAS: video clips of QR code process by jAM
Be Who You Are 
Processing how to parent while developing yourself and your children. 
LYRICS: by Mark Natale 
ALBUM COVER: photograph of maple leaf residue on car windshield by jAM
QR CODE : gelli print and acrylic by jAM
CANVAS: video clips of QR code process by jAM
Time to Take the Pill 
Processing using medication as a tool for mental health. 
ALBUM COVER: edited photograph of spilled oats on counter top and tea cup and colander in background by jAM
QR CODE : glue, conte crayon and acrylic by jAM
CANVAS: video clips of QR code process by jAM 
Honey Through a Sieve 
Processing childhood trauma.
LYRICS: by Mark Natale
COVER: edited photograph of dripping paint by jAM
QR CODE : house paint, pinholes and acrylic on cardboard by jAM
CANVAS: video clips of QR code process by jAM
Butterfly on a Highway 
Processing neurodivergence.
COVER: edited photograph of butterfly by a road by jAM
QR CODE : laser cut cardstock, tissue paper, tape and glue
CANVAS: video clips of QR code process by jAM
Ritual Healing 
Processing reincarnation.
LYRICS: by Mark Natale
ALBUM COVER: edited photograph of eclipse by jAM 
QR CODE : oil pastel transfer over watercolor
CANVAS: video clips of QR code process by jAM
A collaborative art project by Mark Natale and Aidan Mirowsky (jAM). Their artistic process addresses the intertwining of consciousness and computer technology, in our everyday modern life. 
mentally processed + computer processed + physically processed = heavily processed 

Humans invented computers. People build robots to build computers to process the human experience. We’ve created audio of fake humans for real humans with awareness. Playing on the idea of therapeutic processing of life through lyrics and computer processing as means to create art. Heavily Processed uses lyrics written by Mark Natale and Aidan Mirowsky on digital devices and AI generated music to reflect the modern human experience blending technology and the natural world; with vocals that are audibly compressed, auto tuned and not always accurate.

The Installation 
 The installation is a doorway adorned with the materials used it create the QR code art displayed in the room. Each QR code was recreated by hand via different visual art processes and link to the song on Spotify (a digital music service). The space is lit with blue lights conveying the digital blue light that comes from digital screens like smartphones and computers. Blue is also color of humanity; a primary color; the color of the ocean and the sky; symbolizes faith, inspiration, and wisdom. Blue also representing sadness and depression.

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